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Easter Art for Preschoolers!

Easter is just around the corner and it is one of my favorite holidays for arts and crafts. Preschoolers are at a age where they are more aware of the holiday and enjoy celebrating it. This Preschool Easter Egg Craft is a great way to teach and reinforce several Kindergarten ready skills. Some ideas are teaching colors, shapes, and counting. You will also be helping your kid develop their fine motor skills when they use a pencil to trace the egg shape and when they use scissors to cut out the egg. You’ll reinforce good hand and eye coordination as they stamp.

Supplies needed:

  • Poster board or thick paper like cardstock

  • Scissors

  • Pencil

  • Plastic Easter eggs

  • Paper plate or bowl for paint

  • Craft paint

First take a pencil and draw a egg shape on the poster board. Then take your scissors and cut out the egg shape. You will then take the plastic Easter eggs and open them to use the halves to dip in paint. That is all it takes and it is super easy and fun.

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